Rules and regulations for food and beverage products not yet registered in Japan
- Under the Japan Food Sanitation Act, food and beverage products for sale or use in business (including sampling at tradeshows) must be reported to Japan Quarantine by the importer through submission of an Import Notification Form. This process cannot be completed by the exporter.
- Food Sanitation Inspectors will complete a document examination and inspection at the Quarantine Station to assess whether the food and beverages comply with the Food Sanitation Act. Once this process is completed, the products will be registered and ready for commercial importation into Japan for sampling by potential customers at the tradeshow.
- While unregistered products must not be used for sale or commercial sampling, products that are imported for other purposes, such as personal use, are exempt from the import notification requirement. While there is no official standard, shipment or hand carried samples under 10 kg are usually deemed as for personal or non-commercial use.
Restrictions on sampling of new to market unregistered products at Foodex Japan 2025
- Unregistered products may be displayed on the stand at Foodex Japan but shouldn't be offered to the public or unidentified visitors for tasting. Exhibitors should inform visitors that their products are not yet registered in Japan. Visitors still wishing to try samples must be informed that they do so at their own personal risk.
- Exhibitors may provide packaged samples to Japanese buyers for reference or evaluation at their office on the basis that these samples are not intended for tasting.
- Exhibitors may provide samples to Japanese buyers who have a pre-arranged meeting appointment at the Austrade business lounge. Based on their understanding of the rules and regulations of Japan Food Sanitation Act, these buyers may request samples for own assessment.
Austrade will provide practical advice on this matter during the pre-departure webinar or individually upon request.